NBHS past President Richard Barrett relays historic aspects to fifth graders at town center tour of historic sites
Jun 2024 Winimussett Valley History – open sharing of information about all aspects of our valley – history, inhabitants, natural resources, etc.  Lead by resident Paul Benoit.  
Mar 2024 The Tapestry of Life – Genealogical and DNA research using live demonstration of online tools and reference books, Q & A.  Presented by Dan Hamilton. 
Dec 2023 NBHS members host museum an “Open House” – food, drinks, Santa’s elf
Dec 2023 Beeswax Ornament Workshop – Louise Meyerdierks conducts fun DIY evening
May 2023 Addition Awareness, Richard Barrett discussion group
Apr 2023 Stephanie Benoit Appreciation – New Braintree’s Oldest Citizen, Presentation of “Boston Cane” award
Mar 2023 NBHS Yearly $300 scholarship awarded to a graduating high school senior
Dec 2022 NBHS members host museum “Open House” – food, drinks, town history
Sep 2022 Evening of Quabbin Reservoir History, Fun Facts and Slide Show, J. R. Greene
Jul 2022 Metal Detecting Demonstration and Display, Ron Wylie
May 2022 Fifth Gade town historic site “Walkabout” lead by NBHS members
Feb 2020 NBHS & NB Historical Commission presented The Brick Store – A Slideshow Tour narrated by Doug Waugh, held in the Town Hall
Jan 2020 Old Roads and Brickyard Tour with Paul Benoit

PANDEMIC – Corona Virus Disease 2019 – COVID-19

Oct 2019 “Living An Empowered Life” workshop with Richard Barret
Sep 2019 NBHS, North Brookfield Cemetery Commission and Quaboag Historical Society presented a hands-on gravestone workshop of cemetery stone preservation techniques at the Maple Street Cemetery in North Brookfield
Jun 2019 Fifth Graders toured the center of town historical sites lead by NBHS members
May 2019 Open roundtable discussion and memories of the 1955 Flood
Feb 2019  “Maple Sugaring with the Schurs” – Justin and Paul Schur presented a program on traditional and new methods of maple sugaring
Jan 2019 “According to Your Taste” – Christine Higginbottom discussed culinary herbs and pot herbs
Nov 2018 Open roundtable discussion regarding Hiller Airport with Stephanie Benoit, Doug Aspinall and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grady
Oct 2018 “Historic New England Apples” – Christine Higginbottom discussed apple varieties and attributes
Oct 2018 Halloween Night – Members costume-up and hand out candy at the 1939 Grade School/Museum
Sep 2018 “A Harvest of Field and Streams” – Dennis Picard explains hunting and fishing in the 18th century
Jun 2018  Fifth and Sixth Graders toured the center of town historical sites lead by NBHS members
May 2018 “Early 19th Century Plants in the Garden” – Discussion from Christine Higginbottom
Apr 2018 “Four Square Kitchen Garden” – Discussion from Christine Higginbottom
Mar 2018 “The Family Nurse” – Discussion from Christine Higginbottom
Feb 2018 Movie night – “Midwives’ Tale”
Oct 2018 Halloween Night – Members costume-up and hand out candy at the 1939 Grade School/Museum
Sep 2017 “Finding William Lewis” – Christine Higginbottom and Bruce Craven lead attendees through Mr. Lewis’ personal journaling from age 17  in 1836 until 1895 
May 2017 Ice Cream Social – Hand cranked ice cream , the movie “Exodus from Enfield” by Robert Wilder and “old time” games were enjoyed by all
Mar 2017 “Native American Culture” presented by Joe Craig of New Braintree 
Oct 2016 Two hour narrated bus tour of the historical homes and sites in New Braintree

In recent years the Society has presented a variety of activities and discussion groups on topical subjects from our community.  We welcome suggestions for future presentations.  Please email us at or call us at 508 897 3324 with your ideas.

A Harvest of Field and Stream” – Dennis Picard