March 22 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
March 22, 2025, Saturday 1-3 pm – A much anticipated “Antiques Roadshow”- like event has been scheduled at our museum.
Renown appraiser and auctioneer, Kenneth Van Blarcom from South Natick, MA (https://kwvbauctions.com/about/), will conduct an individual appraisal and history of your item, for all to learn about. The Society is thrilled to have Mr. Van Blarcom’s expertise here in New Braintree. His impressive credentials include antique appraisal positions with Shreve, Crump and Low, Co. and a Boston Directorship at the fine art and antique company of Skinner Auctions. Kenneth went on to start his own auction and appraisal business conducting over 850 auctions over a 40 year period.
So, dust off your favorite treasure, and prepare for some historical entertainment. Limit of two items. Cost per appraisal $5. No jewelry, please. Refreshments will be served.